Solidarity gifts are donations made to charities or non profit organisations to support important causes. Donations are needed to support initiatives that improve the lives of individuals and communities in need.
For example, solidarity donations are used to provide food, clean water, medical care, education or social support to people in need. S.O.Solidarity uses donated funds to support programs and initiatives that improve the lives of individuals and communities in need.
If you would like to learn more about how solidarity donations can make a difference, please scroll down to Projects to view our fundraising activities and the initiatives carried out with the help of our donors.
A bridge of solidarity that allows you to connect people, cultures and different worlds. concrete help to children born in contexts of extreme poverty and social injustice.
You will receive photographs, information, and specific updates related to the child you support.
S.O.Solidarity will update you periodically, and through this information, you will be able to follow his or her growth and progress step by step.
Contributions are used to pay for: annual school enrolment fees, school uniforms, books, educational materials, medical expenses and preventive health care, food, after-school programmes with a tutor, sports and music activities
The contribution is managed by the project manager who addresses all of the above needs.
S.o.Solidarity uses 5 percent of the donation amount for awareness campaigns and to support costs, both operational and management, of the organization.
It takes 1€ per day, for 30€ monthly and 365€ annually.
They can be:
monthly, quarterly, semiannually, annually.
Payment can be made by:
1.Bank transfer payable to. S.o.Solidarietà ONLUS
IBAN: IT96G0760115200000076281021
Reason for payment: SAD. month(s) paid + child's name
2.Postal bill payable to S.o.Solidarietà ONLUS
CC NO. 76281021. Reason for payment: SAD. month(s) paid + child's name
In the event that the supporter wishes to suspend their financial contribution, S.O.Solidariety will continue to support the child(ren) until a new donor is found. Supporters who no longer wish to participate in the programme are strongly encouraged to help the association find a replacement donor.
For any questions regarding distance support please contact the following email address at any time: sosolidarietaodv@gmail.com.
Yes they are.
As of January 1, 2018, regulations provide a greater tax benefit to taxpayers who make donations than in previous years. The individual/business who makes a donation can decide on the tax treatment(detraction or deduction) to benefit from, depending on their tax profile.
For businesses, donations are deductible from the total net income of up to 10 percent of the same.
To take advantage of the tax benefit, donations must be traceable - via bank transfer, non-transferable cheque, C.C.P. slip or credit card - and a copy of the payment must be kept.
The 5x1000 is thus a share of citizens' income tax that the state decides to give up by allocating it to Third Sector entities.
S.O.Solidarietà ONLUS is among the approved entities that can benefit from this programme.
Five per thousand is not a tax. There is no cost to the taxpayer.
Article 3, paragraph 2, of Legislative Decree No. 111 of 2017 stipulates that, starting from the year following the year in which the Single National Register of the Third Sector (RUNTS) becomes operational, the 5x1000 contribution is allocated to Third Sector Entities registered in the Register. The 5x1000 gives taxpayers the opportunity to allocate a portion equal to 5x1000 of their personal income tax to recognized nonprofit organizations, such as charities, humanitarian organizations, cultural entities, and scientific research organizations.
This percentage, equal to 5x1000 of the tax amount, can be donated by choosing a beneficiary organization and entering the corresponding tax code in the tax return.
Trova la parte dedicata alla “scelta per la destinazione del 5x1000 dell’IRPEF” nella modulistica tradizionale di CUD, 730 e Modello Unico, oppure rivolgiti al tuo commercialista oppure ai CAF.
Scegli di devolvere il 5×1000 della tua dichiarazione dei redditi a S.O.Solidarietà ONLUS inserendo nell’apposito riquadro “Sostegno delle organizzazioni non lucrative di utilità sociale” il Tax Code 94031940656 of the association.
- This can be done via all tax forms (CUD, 730 and Modello Unico)
You decide according to your needs the duration. However, we offer from a minimum of a 10-day to a maximum of three to four weeks.
Communicate your time availability by email sosolidarietaodv@gmail.com to reach a mission agreement.
The destination Nigeria takes almost 2 months to process an application and arranging visas. This includes the time needed to prepare for your trip.
The A/R cost of the trip, the cost of visa, the cost of vaccinations.
Lodging, and domestic A/R airport/village travel.
If you wish, yes. If not, you can take care of it.
Yes, the vaccine for yellow fever is mandatory in all African countries. We recommend that you book an appointment with your doctor first so that he or she can follow you through the process. Or contact the ASL immunization center. Documentation of a successful polio vaccination is essential.