2022 Back in Nigeria at last


Great joy in seeing our many friends again after 2 years, but above all the children of Happy home, who have grown so much as only children can do.

The satisfaction that feeds the certainty that something positive is being done has been given to us by our 7 young people who attend the various universities of the Imo State and especially by those of whom we had our doubts.

An idyllic return from the point of view of affection and gratification also the rediscovery of the sports group; The boys and the athletic trainers maintain the facilities in an excellent way and continue to spread the culture of sport.

So many meetings, so many requests, so many expectations that the association fears it will not be able to meet in such a globally difficult moment.

For almost 2 years, covid referred to black Africa has always been looked at with perplexity and distrust, in the belief that the known data were not true given the size of the territories and the difficulty of connecting with some areas.

However, everything was made clear to us by the phrase of the director of the Holy Rosary Hospital in Emekuku.

(Hospital of the Diocese of Owerri with 64 doctors and various health schools) "We have feared and trembled much for you, we have not suffered, we have had no losses, our strong sun has saved us." We have met many doctors on the ground and participated in a medical congress in Abuja and we know for sure that the percentage of vaccinated doctors is 2.5%. On the other hand, all the other problems related to health care are still there, present and dramatic.

Deaths of pregnant women and those due to pregnancy, deaths from cardio-circulatory accidents, complications of diabetes, the problem of malnutrition and the growth of tumors are all increasing.

Throughout the territory of the IMO State, discontent with the local government and the federal government is tangible. The south-eastern states of the former Biafra want independence, even if for now they do not want to go to war, but unfortunately there are very violent youth fringes who are not adverse to killing in certains well-defined areas. On the other hand, a part of the population of some local governments of the IMO State is developing agriculture with determination and knowledge to achieve food self-sufficiency. The first cooperatives are being created that also promote new crops, such as mushrooms for example.


Solidarity handicrafts

  • Solidarity crafts
Per un avvenimento speciale, come una nascita, un matrimonio, una laurea o una ricorrenza, puoi decidere di scegliere tra i [...]