BLSD Basic Life Support Defibrillation


In Nigeria there is no national welfare or health system, there are no ambulances and the hospitals that do exist are in very precarious conditions. No one has knowledge of first aid or life-saving techniques.

Based on the observation that in Africa no one knows how to give first and help to those who find themselves in emergency conditions after road accidents or accidents at work in fields and schools, the BLSD project was created.

The project (in 2 parts, the first in May 2019, the second in November 2019) with the participation of Italian partners such as Soccorso Amico, l'Ordine dei Medici of Salerno, the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Fisciano, and local partners such as Flep Club, Sisters of Charity of the Precious Blood and the Mission Hospital of Ngugo aims to train 45 people in the medical and non-medical field in basic first aid and was coordinated during the course by our volunteer Rosi.

The project entails 2 training periods held at the missionary hospital of Ngugo, where the Association was responsible for bringing all the necessary material and the Italian trainers Manuela, Anna Paola and Luciano were in charge of teaching both the theory and practice of survival techniques to reduce mortality and conditions of morbidity.

The BLSD project funded by the Waldensian Table 5%, envisioned 2 training courses for BLS and First Aid together, the first course held by the trainers of Soccorso Amico Salerno took place in April 2019, the second course held by the trainers Renovation Association of Rome in February 2020. 45 people from public and private hospitals, from the military and paramilitary world, from civil society divided into 3 groups of 15 units each, followed the training course at the missionary hospital of Ngugo. Participants who will continue to monitor and promote the art of survival aid have been identified during the training sessions.

During the mission in February 2020 in which 6 people participated: Rosi, Salvatore, Veronica, Vincenzo, Lola and Biagio, the BLSD project was completed with great satisfaction. The diplomas of participation and the certifications of American Art issued by Renovatio of Rome were delivered. American Art rilasciate da Renovatio di Roma.

The joy and gratitude of the 45 official participants has been expressed several times, but in our opinion the most important goal achieved is that in this second meeting the awareness of the utility of this training has matured. In places where access to health facilities is extremely problematic for economic, viability and reasons of distance, being equipped with the basic knowledge to save lives is of fundamental importance.

The goal of the project has been achieved, but above all recognised not only by all those taking part but also by all those who were aware of it. Discussions about the sustainability of the project on their part were subsequently put in place and we were forwarded a request by the local medical class to repeat the project. We sincerely thank the Tavola Valdese who made all this possible.


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