Humanitarian mission log: Lori Cohen
- Education/Training
Edinobi Bright was one of the guys who approached sport 4 years ago under the guidance of Rossella.
Bryan has always loved sport, but he had never had the chance to practise it; in the so many surrounding kilometers there are no sports facilities, no money to buy a pair of shoes, only a few grass fields in which to play football.
S.O.Solidarietà always convinced that Sport (with a capital "S"!) is one of the factors that helps children grow up physically and mentally balanced, with a lot of effort has built the sports facilities of Ngugo.
These fields and tracks, which are minimal compared to European and American facilities, have brought great results, but above all they have confirmed that if we want results in Africa we must give them the minimum of a chance to trigger their desire to achieve positive results.
So let's hope for a lot more Brians!