About us

Photo by Laura Bessega


S.O.Solidarietà ODV is a nonprofit international volunteer organization that aims to help those most in need in Italy and in developing countries. Our primary focus is on the creation and reinforcement of health facilities; defending the rights of children and women through education, and protection of vulnerable members of society against violence and abuse. strengthening of health care facilities, it works to ensure and defend the rights of children and women with education, medical aid and protection from violence and abuse.


IMO STATE is one of the 36 states of Nigeria.
The capital is Owerri, the largest city in the state.
Many areas lack the most basic services, such as drinking water, hospitals, schools and roads.

S.O.Solidarity has its operational headquarters in the village of Ngugo, in the compound of the Daughters of Charity of the Precious Blood, our local partners. Our facilities there include: Daughters of Charity of the Precious Blood (Figlie della Carità del Preziosissimo Sangue), nostre partner sul territorio.

Qui ha costruito:

  • HAPPY HOME CHILDREN a multi-purpose centre with 3 classrooms, a library, projection and meeting room, kitchen, storage room and toilets. Tutors are available every afternoon to assist students with their schoolwork and there are afternoon activities for local children.

  • VOLUNTEER'S HOME provides accomodation for volunteers while in Nigeria, thus reducing operating and transportation expenses.

  • A SPORTS CENTER facilities include a football and rugby field, volleyball and baskletball court, long jump and high jump pit.

  • Just outside the compound walls, a small branch of the Holy Rosary Hospital has been renovated. It houses an OPERATING THEATRE with basic equipment and furnished in-patient rooms.

In Italy, S.O.Solidarietà ODV focuses on social issues including poverty, immigration, care of the elderly and disabled people, non-formal schooling focused on environmental protection and sustainability (plastic recycling in particular), and culture.




The association was created following a request for help from Sister Maria Norom, a Nigerian nun of the Order of the Daughters of Charity of the Most Precious Blood, to a group of Salerno doctors and health workers at the Nocera Superiore Hospital in the province of Salerno


Registration with the Internal Revenue Service

S.O.Solidarietà is registered with the Internal Revenue Service, decree No. 437, tax code 94031940656.  


Membership in the General Register of Campania Volunteers.

The association becomes part of the Campania Region General Volunteer Register, number 0450/04.


SAD Project (Long-distance support)

The SAD (Distance Support) project is initiated to ensure that local children from economically disadvantaged families can attend school by having their tuition fees and other expenses paid. Thanks to thisd programme, to date, we have 3 university graduates, 10 young people currently at university, and 50 children in school from kindergarten to secondary school.


RUNTS - Single National Registry of the Third Sector

S.O.Solidarietà is registered with RUNTS (no.713) and becomes a member of several national networks including ForumSad, AOI, Coasic, Aics (Italian Culture and Sports Association).



Maria Aolide Tonin

Presidente e Rappresentante legale

Rosa Bianco

Vice President

Nicola d'Angelo

Board Member

Lori Cohen

Board Member

Jessica Bianco

Board Member


Public bodies