Contact us

Photo by Laura Bessega

Do you have doubts or questions? Let us know!
We'll be happy to respond.

If you did not find an answer in the frequently asked questions or if you need help, please fill out the form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


Via F. Galdo, 6 ─ 84127 ─ Salerno, SA Italia

Operational Headquarters

Parco degli Aranci, 16b ─ 84134 ─ Salerno, SA Italia

Operational Headquarters

Happy Home PO BOX 170 ─ Umozo-Ngugo/IHUO-Dimeze ─ L.G.A. Ikeduru,
Postal Code 461110 ─ Imo State-Owerri

Photo by Laura Bessega

To purchase these photos or for more information, you can contact Laura directly.