Humanitarian mission log: Lori Cohen


After an absence of five years, in February I was happy to return to Ngugo to continue the work of S.O. Solidarity. This year I focused on observation. During my three-week stay in February, I had the opportunity to monitor the various ongoing programs at Happy Home, including sports, music, after-school tutoring, and meals, all successfully carried out under the careful supervision of Sister Emily, our wonderful eyes and ears in Nigeria. Additionally, as part of the team managing our Sponsorship at a Distance (SAD) program, which supports over 60 children in Nigeria and Kenya, I began collecting data for a study involving Italian SAD organizations that will evaluate the impact of Sponsorship at a Distance on the lives of beneficiaries. It is a joy and privilege to volunteer in Africa with S.O. Solidarity, helping people in need improve their lives.


Solidarity handicrafts

  • Solidarity crafts
Per un avvenimento speciale, come una nascita, un matrimonio, una laurea o una ricorrenza, puoi decidere di scegliere tra i [...]