Support us

Photo by Laura Bessega


Solidarity gifts are donations made to charities or non profit organisations to support important causes. Donations are needed to support initiatives that improve the lives of individuals and communities in need.
S.O.Solidarietà uses these donations exclusively to fund humanitarian, environmental, health, educational and social projects to provide food, clean water, medical care, education, social support where it is most needed.
The association uses donated funds to support programs and initiatives that improve the lives of individuals and communities in need.
For example, solidarity donations are used to provide food, clean water, medical care, education or social support to people in need.
If you would like to learn more about how solidarity donations can make a difference, please scroll down to Projects to view our fundraising activities and the initiatives carried out with the help of our donors.


To celebrate births, weddings, anniversaries, graduations and/or other special events, solidarity gifts are an excellent choice.

Anyone wishing to give a solidarity gift can contact us by email and or phone for information about what we offer.

Anyone wishing to give a solidarity gift can contact us by email and or phone for information about what we offer. To ensure high quality handcrafted items tailored to your needs, for quantities over 70 units the request must be made three months prior to the event. For quantities of 50-70 units, two months advance notice is required.

This will allow us to better organize our work and give you handcrafted items with attention to detail.

To learn about production costs, packaging (on request), and any other details, call at (+39) 334 74 08 291 or write to

Turn an important event into a gesture of solidarity!


In Italy, one way to support the work of S.O.Solidarietà is to participate in the 5 per cent per thousand programme (5 per mille). Taxpayers can contribute to associations or organisations approved by the Italian Revenue Service in the following manner:
This percentage, equal to 5 per thousand of the tax amount, can be donated by choosing a beneficiary organization and by entering the corresponding tax code in the tax return.
Five per thousand is not a tax. There is no cost to the taxpayer.
The 5 per thousand is thus a portion of citizens' income tax that the state decides to give up by allocating it to the Third sector entities.
S.O.Solidarietà ONLUS is among the entities eligible for this provision as it is recognized as eligible by the Internal Revenue Service.


Find the part devoted to the - Find the section on your income tax form dedicated to Scelta per la destinazione del cinque per mille dell ’IRPEF’ (Allocation – five per thousand of your personal income). in the traditional forms of CUD, 730 and Unified Form, or contact your accountant or CAFs.
Choose to donate 5×1000 of your tax return to S.O.Solidarietà ONLUS by entering in the appropriate box “Sostegno degli Enti del Terzo Settore iscritti al Runts” the tax code 94031940656 of the association.
- This can be done via all tax forms (CUD, 730 and Modello Unico)
For assistance, contact your tax consultant or local CAF (Centre for Financial Assistance). Your five per thousand support can make a difference in the lives of so many.


According to the 2014 Ministry of Labor and Social Policy Guidelines, Distance Support is an expression of generosity. It involves periodic disbursement, within a given time period, by one or more individuals or other entities, of a defined sum of money to an organization for the implementation of solidarity projects in any part of the world.
Recipients include individuals, children, adolescents and adults; families, and clearly identified communities in need. Through SAD, organisations work to improve living conditions in the social and cultural environment in which people live, promoting the family context and identified social formations. SAD fosters the interpersonal relationship between supporters and beneficiaries and the creation of mutual understanding.
S.O.Solidarietà sees distance support as a tool to promote positive changes in attitudes and lifestyle - a bridge of solidarity to create a future in which children are guaranteed:
  • The opportunity to attend school regularly
  • After-school educational support
  • Medical care;
  • Periodic provision of food for the entire family;
  • An adequate diet;
S.O.Solidarietà firmly believes that the development of a country begins with its children. Our Distance Support programme is active in Nigeria, in particular in the Owerri district of Imo State (formerly Biafra). We work to help alleviate hunger, disease and injustice which affects children and young people. We accompany them in their scholastic career and training on the road to automomy while ensuring they have access to food and proper medical care.
The goal of S.O.Solidarietà is to enable them to live better lives in their own country.


Still have doubts?

Still have doubts?



If you are interested please write to:

You will be given information by phone which will be followed by a series of training and informational meetings regarding the volunteer code of conduct and the duties/tasks you may have within the association.
Volunteering can be practiced individually or in organized associations.

Such aid can be employed in a variety of areas. It all stems from the sympathetic will of people intent on addressing or alleviating unresolved problems in civil society.

The role of a volunteer is described in the 24 principles of the Charter of Values of Italian Volunteering, which highlights the importance of solidarity, and is regulated by Framework Law No. 266 passed in 1991. With the reform of the Voluntary Sector, volunteers have taken on an increasingly important role in society. This reform aims to promote and regulate volunteer activities, recognizing the value and importance of the contribution of volunteers to nonprofit organizations and social initiatives.

However, these regulations alone may not be sufficient to convey what it really means to be a volunteer. Real life volunteer experience offers the opportunity to experience the joy of helping people in need.

Volunteers can work individually or with associations, in a myriad of contexts.

We need your help to give a voice to people facing economic and social hardship.

Only with your help can we carry out our projects and initiate significant change, starting from small realities. We need people ready to roll up their sleeves to offer a precious commodity: their time.

Humanitarian mission log: Rosi Bianco

In Nigeria... I feel a bit suspended in air.
On the journey from the airport to the compound in the village of Ngugo, the scenery was devastating...

Diario di missione umanitaria: Carlotta Linguadoca

Catapulted into a reality that has been described to me so many times, but that I would never have been able to fully imagine. In Africa, everything is different...

Humanitarian mission log: Stefano Riviello

I arrived at 12:00 on January 16th, I remember I was perspiring and very tired, but my first thought was to stop off at the Hope House "the orphanage of Ngugo"...

Humanitarian mission log: Lori Cohen

The 17 days I was in Ngugo were very eventful. In those days, the group of trainers of the "Growing Together" project did their very valuable work...


Still have doubts?

Still have doubts?


Help us in amplifying the impact of our work and reach more people who need assistance.